My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I laughed, I cried, and I absolutely loved this book!
This was the first Morgan Matson book I've read, and I can now say that I'm a fan of her writing and she is one of my favourite authors. I can't wait to read more of her books.
I loved every single part about this book. The first half of the book was dedicated to building up the characters and getting to know them, reliving Taylor's past summers, and getting to know her relationship with her friends. Even though some may of found this slow, I appreciated how Matson took the time in introducing the basics of the book.
Taylor and her dad have such a strong and loving relationship, and I loved being able to experience that whilst reading. I felt like I was Taylor when I was reading her perspective, and this was really special. Taylor loves her dad, and this was obvious throughout and the way she dealt with her father's illness was admirable.
Can we talk about Taylor and Henry for a minute? How cute are they! I loved how their story from summer 5 years ago unfolded throughout the first half of the book. It was great to gradually learn their story. I also liked how they didn't get back together again straight away as it gave the readers some time to get used to the characters and what was going on. Similar with Taylor and Lucy's friendship; it was awkward seeing each other again and it was never going to be the way it was before, but over time they were able to be friends again.
And the ending was tragic, yet beautiful. You knew it was coming yet it still tore my heart out and made me cry. I don't usually cry in books unless it's really sad - and this was definitely one of those times. However I liked how the overall book ended on a light note which put a smile on my dile :)
The only minor issue that I had with the ending is that it was too sudden. I would have liked a bit more closure on the characters, especially Taylor and Henry's relationship. I would have been more satisfied if I knew what was going to happen to them after summer (i.e. how they'd see each other when living hours away).
But overall I LOVED this book and will definitely be reading the rest of Matson's work. I was in the mood for a contemporary - and this fulfilled my needs.
I highly recommend Second Chance Summer to readers of YA and contemporary.
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