My rating: 4 of 5 stars
After reading The Heir, I couldn't wait to see how and where this amazing series would end. Even though I didn't enjoy The Heir as much as the first few books, I still loved it and despite a majority of readers disliking Eadlyn, I loved her. Therefore, The Crown was one of my most anticipated releases of this year, and when Harper Collins sent it to me in exchange for an honest review, I picked it up straight away and couldn't wait to get in to it. Here is what I thought;
CHARACTERS: I seemed to be the only one who liked Eadlyn in The Heir, and I continued to feel this way at the beginning. However, as the end came closer I began to see what everyone else was. Although she developed so much as a character; she grew up, became kinder and softer yet still maintaining her strong personality, she began to get on my nerves. She became indecisive and changed her mind about a lot of the boys which really got on my nerves. I still like Eadlyn, just not as much as I did in the first book.
I don't want to talk too much about the other boys and who my favourite was, because when I talk about the ending it might give it away. But the character that I love the most is funny, kind, charming and different and I really wanted him to be chosen. I almost threw my book across my room when I found out he was leaving. The character that was chosen and the one that was almost chosen (this will only make sense if you read the book) I didn't like them at all! I don't think that either of them suited Eadlyn or being a prince. I also think that with the boy that was chosen, it was kind of random. He was hardly in Their Heir, and then all of a sudden they are declaring their love for each other????????????????????????????????????????????? Safe to say I am really angry!
STORY LINE / PLOT: I really enjoyed a majority of the plot line. There was a lot going on which kept the story exciting, and the book was fast paced which meant that the story wasn't dragged out for too long. This would have to be my favourite aspect of the book as it kept me entertained throughout reading. I finished the book in less than a day which explain how much of a page turner this book is. Kiera Cass writes such amazing books, and even though this would have to be my least favourite out of all five of The Selection books, I still really liked this story. From America's recover, Eadlyn deciding who she will marry, Marid's arrival, Ahren's departure and Eadlyn becoming Queen - there was so much happening but Cass did a good job at not making it confusing. I also liked the mystery that The Heir and The Crown held as the readers never knew who Eadlyn was going to choose, unlike the first few books.
ENDING: This is the factor that made me drop my overall rating for this book. I was not expecting it at all - and an unpredictable ending can be good sometimes... this is not one of those times. I thought that my favourite guy from the selected would be chosen, I didn't even think twice about it. But as the end came closer, I could see that it was't going to happen. There was an emotional scene near the end where Eadlyn explained why she didn't choose him, and it made a lot of sense and I could see where she was coming from, yet I still would have chosen him if I was put in this situation. I like to think that this character is not able to venture out in to the world and fall in love with a women much better than Eadlyn.
RATING: I decided to give this book 4 stars out of 5. I loved the plot line, Eadlyn's character development, and my favourite male suitor. However, as mentioned earlier, the ending of this book happened to bring my rating down. Not only did she end up with the guy that I didn't think she suited with, but it was quite rushed. I would have possibly enjoyed it better if Cass had developed this relationship earlier in the book and then I may have understood her choice better.
I still highly recommend reading this series. It is full of romance, drama, politics, and a dystopian society. Comment below if you have read this series and what you think!
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